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jean-philippe piter
De Estilo e Olhar /
On Style and the Look
O traço de Christian Liaigre, com roupagem
minimalista e ao mesmo tempo esteticamente
rica, teria mais a ver com o trabalho dos
escultores Brancusi e Giacometti. “Minha
aspiração é conseguir, como eles fizeram, atingir
a poesia no design. Ou seja, dizer o essencial
com pouco.”
Há menos de dois anos o casal Liaigre e
Deborah, com o filho pequeno, deixou o
apartamento onde morava no Marais em
Paris para viver numa casa do século 17 na
Rive Gauche. “Minha nova morada surpreende
mesmo a quem me conhece. Está longe de ser
um loft minimalista. A marcenaria do século 18,
os lustres, enfim a base, a estrutura dela é toda
muito bela e autêntica. Não faria sentido fazer
modificações. No entanto, de vez em quando,
uma parede branca, rodapés pretos e um sofá
preto podem rejuvenescer”.
Para férias, o casal possui uma cabana na ilha de
St.Barths, totalmente aberta para o mar a cinco
metros de distância. E também mantém a casa
grande na Ilha de Ré, próximo a La Rochelle.
Ao contrário de quando trata dos projetos dos
clientes aos quais se dedica minuciosamente,
prefere deixar o próprio espaço de certo modo
inacabado. Acredita que a decoração não
deve ter a ver com moda e que, na maioria
das vezes, elementos decorativos supérfluos
podem impedir uma natural integração do
espaço. Atenção ao detalhe, à boa qualidade
dos materiais e ao desenho específico de peças
individuais e de acordo com a necessidade do
cliente são fundamentais em seus projetos.
Currently working with his wife deborah, and
personifying the best french savoir faire et
vivre, he is a member of the Cabinet Colbert,
his country’s showcase institution for excellence
in creation that brings together the most
important brands for france’s design, jewelry
and fashion.
it might be surprising that one of super modern
Liaigre’s personal myths is Louis xiV, creator
of Versailles, the monarch who was the first to
understand the power of image and make the
flabbergasted and envious european courts all
bend their necks to see the creativity, beauty
and quality of everything “made in france”.
in Liaigre’s opinion, the highpoint of creation
can be found in Versailles Castle: “we must
remember that everything invented there was
extremely modern for its time, the 18
nobody had ever attempted anything like it
before. i am a great admirer of the creativity
that was expended there.” and in a recent
interview he gave to Casa Vogue, he commented
on luxury: “Luxury is a funny word, since
sometimes, just silence on its own can be a
supreme luxury. nowadays, big name brands
emphasize handcrafted work as being a luxury,
while in the past it used to just mean the love
for the work being done. i have always tried
to keep that spirit of the job well done, which
drinks from the well of the french tradition
of sophistication and fine craftsmanship.”
Christian Liaigre’s lines, with their minimalist
trappings that are at the same time rich, have
more in common with the work of two sculptors
– brancusi and giacometti. “my aspiration is to
achieve, like they did, poetry in design. in other
words, achieving the essential with very little.”
Less than two years ago, Liaigre, deborah
and their small child moved away from
the apartment they shared in the marais
neighborhood of paris to live in a 17
home on the rive gauche. “my new home
surprises even those people who know me. it’s
far from being a minimalist loft. the 18
woodwork, the lighting fixtures, in short,
its foundation and structure are extremely
beautiful and authentic. it wouldn’t make sense
to change things. however, sometimes a white
wall, black baseboards and a black sofa can
rejuvenate things.”
for vacation, the couple owns a cottage on st.
barths island, completely open to the sea just
five meters away. they also have a large house
on isle of rhé, near La rochelle.