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Luc boegly
unlike when he works on client projects, to
which he dedicates himself paying attention
to the smallest details, he prefers leaving his
own space unfinished to a certain extent.
he believes that decoration shouldn’t have
anything to do with fashion and that oftentimes
superfluous decorative elements can prevent a
natural integration for the space. attention to
detail, high quality materials and the design
of specific, individual pieces according to the
client’s needs are fundamental aspects of his
work. nowadays, he prefers working on homes:
“i always develop a close relationship with my
clients. with restaurants and hotels, it often
ends up being an over design situation.”
when asked about the secret behind the magic
of his creations, he replied, “a cook never reveals
his secrets.” nevertheless, he doesn’t hesitate
to say that for a client to feel well and identify
the new environment as their own, comfort
is essential, as well as the serene feeling that
results from correctly arranging the pieces.
“i try to create a type of magic, refinement
and balance in my clients’ homes and the
only end purpose is for them to feel well.”
he confessed that it is in the openness of
nature and the sea that he finds his inspiration:
“sources of inspiration are oftentimes connected
to culture and one’s roots.” oft-copied, he says
it doesn’t bother him: “Copying is the price of
success and only reveals the lack of imagination
in those who copy.” for him, the importance of
good taste and beauty is primordial. “that is
what leads to harmony and well-being. esthetics
was the most important quality for ancient
greek civilization.”
Hoje em dia prefere fazer residências:
“Uma ligação íntima nasce sempre com
os clientes. Já os restaurantes e hotéis têm
de ser mais over design.”
Indagado sobre o segredo atrás da magia de
suas criações, respondeu que “um cozinheiro
nunca revela as suas receitas”. Entretanto, não
hesita em dizer que para que o cliente se sinta
bem e identifique o novo ambiente como seu,
o conforto é essencial e também o clima de
serenidade decorrente da correta disposição
das peças. “Procuro criar uma mágica, um
refinamento e um equilíbrio no interior das
casas de meus clientes com a finalidade única
de que sintam bem”.
Confessa que é no vazio gerado pela natureza e
pelo mar que encontra a inspiração: “As fontes
de inspiração estão muitas vezes ligadas à
cultura e às raízes.” Muito copiado, diz não se
importar: “A cópia é o preço do sucesso e só
revela a falta de imaginação dos copiadores.”
Para ele, a importância do gosto e da beleza é
primordial. “É o que gera harmonia e bem-estar.
A estética era a qualidade mais importante em
toda a civilização grega antiga”.
“a CÓpia é o preço do suCesso
e sÓ reveLa a FaLta de
imaginação dos Copiadores.”
“Copying is the priCe of suCCess
and onLy reVeaLs the LaCK of
imagination in those who Copy.”